Photo credit: Vincent Reynaud-Lacroze
In Togo, in the Savanes region, only 12% of primary schools have a water point, and only 5% are equipped with toilets and hand-washing stations! This sanitary situation has serious consequences on the schooling of thousands of children. This is why Aide et Action is intervening to improve access to drinking water and hygiene conditions in seven villages.
Health and hygiene issues in schools are absolutely fundamental. They affect the well-being of pupils but also their schooling. A child who is regularly ill increases the number of absences and the risk of dropping out of school.
Outside school too, because of the low literacy rateof the lack of knowledge of hygiene rulesand thelack of sanitation facilities, The most vulnerable families are more exposed to serious parasitic, diarrhoeal or infectious diseases. Diseases that in turn hamper children's schooling.
Ending the vicious circle
To put an end to this vicious circle, Aide et Action has developed the project "Common Action Water - Environment - Education for Tomorrow"In seven villages in the Savanes region. Our teams work with the most disadvantaged schools in three main areas: drilling and creating drinking water points to reduce the frequency of illnesses and reduce girls' absenteeism due to having to fetch water; raising awareness and educating children, teachers and parents about hygiene and sanitation The installation of school and family latrines to protect the health of all and considerably improve living and learning conditions.
Thus, almost 2000 students from the Savanes region will be provided with much-needed access In the first instance, the project will improve access to drinking water and will transform hygiene and sanitation conditions. In a second phase, the beneficial consequences of this change will undoubtedly improve education indicators at the regional level.