Action Education launches its year-end campaign for girls' education worldwide

Photo credit: Vincent REYNAUD-LACROZE

The reality for millions of girls in Africa, Asia and even Europe is unbearable. Simply because they were born girls, they are unfairly deprived of education and subjected to all kinds of discrimination and violence. At the end of this year, Action Education is launching a mobilisation campaign so that everyone can support its mission for girls. 


The alarming situation of girls' education worldwide

Worldwide, more than 129 million girls are deprived ofeducation. This number has exploded with the Covid-19 pandemic and the persistence of many cultural and social traditions such as the exclusion of girls during their periods or the overload of household and domestic chores they are forced to perform every day.

Despite decades of advocacy, 12 million girls under the age of 18 are married each year, nearly 1 girl every 2 seconds.. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 21 million girls aged 15-19 become pregnant each year in developing regions. There is an urgent need to act now to save these girls from a life of submission, silence and poverty.

"My older brother told me that this year I would not go to school because I would have to join my husband, willingly or not. I ran away to my aunt's house and never returned to the village. Thanks to Action Education, I am continuing my studies. I want to be a teacher. Tombong, 13, Senegal 


Mobilising for the education of all girls

To guarantee girls their human rights, including the right to an education will enable them to acquire skills, gain confidence, defend their rights and become full players in tomorrow's society. Access to quality education is therefore the only weapon today that can reduce ignorance and ensure that girls and women, as well as all vulnerable populations, enjoy their human rights.  

Based on this conviction, Action Education accompanies girls and women towards the knowledge and defence of their rights. Some examples of our actions: 

  • We break the taboos associated with menstruation by educating girls, providing them with sanitary protection and raising awareness among parents and educators. We build girls-only toilets in schools to ensure dignity, privacy and safety.
  • We accompany parents to better paid jobs so that girls are not taken out of school because of poverty. 

Take action today and now by joining us for theeducation of girls and adolescent girls around the world. 



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