In Burkina Faso, solar lamps to help students learn

On the initiative of theUNESCO 16 May was proclaimed International Day of Light. While globally about 90% of the population has access to electricity (World Bank data 2018), Africa remains the least electrified continent. In Burkina Faso, only 19% of the population has access. However, the lack of access to electricity is one of the major obstacles to economic and social development. This lack of access also has a direct impact on learning and teaching conditions.

The EECREQ project¹ Aide et Action's project aims at improving access to quality education in 120 targeted schools in Burkina Faso and Benin. In addition to electrifying schools, solar lamps are distributed to students so that they can do their homework at home after dark. Pupils meet in groups to work, which has an impact on their motivation and solidarity.

In Cassou in the Ziro province of Burkina Faso, discover how light helps Samira and her classmates learn better:

YouTube video

¹ EECREQ: Enlightened school, resource centre for quality education

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