Making a donation

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Make a donation to Action Education: a concrete and immediate action in favour of education

What is a donation?

A donation is a deed drawn up before a notary, the effect of which is immediate and irrevocable. It allows you to pass on real estate or movable property during your lifetime, or a share of a property you own.

Why make a donation to Action Education?

" By making a donation to Action Education, you can see during your lifetime the impact of your generosity in giving a future to children deprived of education. "

Jean-Pierre PICHAUD - President of Action Education

The donation allows you to pass on an asset, without further delay, to give access to education to a large number of children right now.

In addition, you benefit from a tax reduction equivalent to that of the donations: 66% of your donation to be deducted from your income tax, or 75% from your Property Tax.

Please note that donations to Action Education are totally exempt from transfer duties. The entirety of this donation will therefore be immediately devoted to the education of children deprived of this fundamental right.

Give with confidence

Founded in 1981, Action Education is an association recognised as being of public utility and approved by the Ministry of Education. Our projects are supported by the French Development Agency and the European Union. Each year, our accounts are audited and certified by an auditor, and we publish an activity report.

How to make a donation to Action Education?

In order to make a donation, it is essential that you call on the services of a notary, who will advise and assist you in drawing up your donation contract.

You can choose between four forms of donation... 


You transfer full ownership of a property to Action Education immediately and irrevocably.

In bare ownership

You transfer the bare ownership of a property, while retaining the usufruct for the rest of your life. In the case of a flat, for example, this means that you continue to occupy it or receive the rent. 

Temporary usufruct

You keep the bare ownership of the property, but you allow us to receive, for a minimum period of 3 years renewable, the income produced by this property: rent, interest, dividends... 

Donation from the estate

You donate to Action Education, within 12 months of the date of death, an asset or sum of money which you have inherited and which you have no use for, or which you cannot afford to tax. You will not pay any inheritance tax on the donated property.

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about donations.

I did not understand the difference between a legacy and a donation

A bequest is a legal act by which property is passed on after death.

A donation allows you to pass on an asset during your lifetime. It is irreversible and must be the subject of a notarial deed in certain cases.

For more information, see our " The donation "or contact Audrey Grosjean at [email protected] or on

what are the tax advantages of donations?
  • For the donation in full ownership : You benefit from a tax deduction of 66% of the amount of your donation within the limit of 20% of your net taxable income. The excess can be carried forward to the next 5 years.
  • For the donation of bare ownership with usufruct reserve : You benefit from a tax deduction of 66% of the amount of your donation within the limit of 20% of your net taxable income. The excess can be carried forward to the next 5 years. Please note that the value of the property is included in the usufructuary's assets and may therefore, depending on the amount, be subject to wealth tax (ISF).
  • For the temporary donation of usufruct : The property and its income are removed from your tax base. This can have a significant impact on the amount of your wealth tax (ISF) and your income tax.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Audrey Grosjean by mail:

[email protected]

or on

Can I request that my donation or legacy money be used for a specific purpose?

The money collected by Action Education is generally pooled and used to finance, as needed, all the projects set up by the association in favour of education.

If you have specific wishes, please contact Audrey Grosjean by e-mail, to the address : [email protected] or by telephone, at

Is the intervention of a notary necessary for a gift, donation and legacy?

While the intervention of a notary is not mandatory for donations, it is for gifts.

In the case of a bequest, the consultation of a notary is not compulsory but is strongly recommended.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Audrey Grosjean by e-mail, to the address : [email protected] or by telephone, at

Can I leave my entire estate to Action Education?

You can bequeath all or part of your assets (furniture, buildings, works of art, jewellery, vehicles, shares and cash, etc.) to Action Education.

However, it is compulsory to respect the rule of the available share in order not to harm your heirs (half of your property is compulsorily for your child if you have one).

What are the different types of donations?

There are 3 types of donations: 1

Full ownership donation The property is transferred in its entirety to the association, which becomes the final owner.

Bare ownership donation with usufruct reserve Action Education: Action Education becomes the permanent owner of the property but you, or someone you designate, uses it or receives the benefits of it, either for a fixed period or until death.

Temporary donation of usufruct You remain the owner but Action Education can use the property (e.g. receive rental income from a flat or dividends from a share).

Important, donations have an impact on your tax situation For individuals, the tax reductions are the same as for donations, whether they are deducted from income tax or wealth tax.

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Any questions?

Head of legacy department

01 55 25 40 92

audrey 1

Any questions?

Head of legacy department

01 55 25 40 92

The donation in brief

Listen to Audrey GROSJEAN talk about Action Education's approach to heritage transmission

Request brochure

audrey 1

Any questions?

Head of legacy department

01 55 25 40 92


Any questions?

Head of legacy department

01 55 25 40 92

Find out more about other forms of gifts

To provide a legacy of education:

To make sense of your savings:
