Nandani, a GB Road child rescued from sexual exploitation

Photo credit: Madhu Panday

Nandini, born to a prostitute mother and a pimp father, was at great risk of experiencing the same life as her mother. The reception centre developed by Aide et Action and its partner Prayas in New Delhi has changed the course of her life.  

Like all parents, we too dream of a better future for our daughter. We are ready to do anything so that she can have a dignified life! "Radha, a young prostitute, who recently enrolled her 3 year old daughter, Nandani, in the reception centre developed by Aide et Action and its partner, explains. " Nandani was living with her father - a pimp - and me in a brothel in GB road, locked in a dark, dingy room. "I learned about the shelter and on a visit I could see that the children have the opportunity to do age-appropriate educational and recreational activities under the guidance of childcare professionals. During the day, they are in a supportive, safe and secure environment and are fed."

Education instead of exploitation

Going to the centre and seeing my daughter progress and flourish has only strengthened my resolve to see her have a life other than my own. Separating from your child is not an easy decision for anyone to make, but I know I made the right choice to save my daughter "explains Radah. After several discussions with the project team, Nandani's parents agreed to place their daughter in a children's home that offers her 24/7 support and the opportunity to continue her education. Today, Nandini is 6 years old and in class 2. Her parents visit her regularly and are happy to see the change in their daughter's life.

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