More than 50 % of children aged 7 to 12 are excluded from education, as are 60 % of young people aged 13 to 16. The number of out-of-school children and teenagers is estimated at 2,634,271. The government is focusing on improving performance in
education sector through a number of major reforms. Nevertheless, major challenges remain, such as the low enrolment rate, the high drop-out rate and the low completion rate at primary level, particularly for young girls in rural areas.
rural areas. These are all key issues on which Action Education is focusing its actions.
To support this project :
The aim of the project
The FAJF project (Formation et Autonomisation des Jeunes Filles et Femmes) aims to support the training and socio-economic integration of 5,000 girls and women aged between 14 and 25 in three communes (Koléram, Gafati and Kantché) in the Zinder region over a period of 10 months (May 2022 to February 2023). The project also plans to raise awareness among 5,250 local players (young people, parents, town councils, technical services, religious leaders, etc.) of the need to support young girls.
customary etc.)
What we did
Key figures
- 1,524 girls/women trained in agri-food processing, entrepreneurship and management
- 545 girls/women trained in agro-sylvo pastoralism (fattening), entrepreneurship and management
- 25 girls/women trained in advanced sewing and making sanitary towels
- 2,094 girls/women trained to make traditional liquid and solid soap
- 2,094 young women were informed and educated about COVID-19 and infectious diseases