Projet d'Appui à la Réforme des Collèges au Togo, phase 2 - (PAREC 2) (Support project for secondary school reform in Togo, phase 2)




Improve secondary school completion rates

In particular, the project is working to set up infrastructure and equipment and to improve the governance of public secondary schools through the implementation of school projects, the fight against violence, the promotion of gender equality and educational and socio-professional guidance.

To support this project :

togo |2020 À 2024|Access and quality of education

88 colleges in the Maritime, Savanes and Greater Lomé regions

The aim of the project

The project aims to improve the completion rate at secondary level, particularly in secondary schools in three educational regions: Maritime, Grand Lomé and Savanes. The project, which targets 41,578 pupils, including 18,877 girls, is working in particular to set up infrastructure and equipment and to improve the governance of public secondary schools through the implementation of school projects, the fight against violence, the promotion of gender equality and educational and socio-professional guidance.

PAREC II project Togo Copyright Arina Bzhinaev scaled

What we did

Key figures

  • 24,400 parents made aware of the importance of getting children into school, especially girls;
  • 1,350 people, including 329 women members, trained in their roles and responsibilities in college management.

classrooms built

blocks of boys' and girls' latrines built

Our partners


 French Development Agency (AFD) 

Find out about all the other projects carried out by Action Education in Togo in our latest Activity Report

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Illustration Inclus.e ? par Anna Wanda Gogusey
News, Africa, Latin America-Caribbean, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Access and quality of education, Apprendre pour la vie, Citizenship and international solidarity, Sustainable development and global citizenship, Sustainable Development, Peace and Global Citizenship, Women and girls, Inclusion, Early childhood, Advocacy, Health

Podcast « Inclus.e ? » : notre série documentaire sur les obstacles liés à l’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants dans le monde

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