More and more companies, as part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, are offering their employees to round down their salary to the nearest euro for the benefit of an association. The way it works is simple: once the company is a partner in the operation, the employee can pay what he or she wishes and suspend the donation at any time. They receive their tax receipt directly from the platform and benefit from a 66% tax reduction on their donation. Employers can match their employees' donations. In France, rounding of salaries, or salary donations, is developing and concerns 900 companies and more than 500,000 employees.
Through the social enterprise platform microDonAction Education benefits from the financial support of employees of companies such as Orange or L'Occitane. For example, the following companies are involved in the project the partnership with Orange has enabled the construction of a brand new school building in the town of Antsahafilo in Madagascar.
Nathalie, an Orange employee in Rouen testifies:
" I knew about the Rounding up in Boutiques, which is offered to us when we make purchases in certain shops (and in the Orange Boutiques too)). But when I discovered the "Arrondi sur Salaire" at Orange, I thought it was an excellent way to get involved on a small scale and every month, to support a good cause. I was already following, from afar, the actions of the Orange Foundation in France and in certain countries where we have subsidiaries, but this Village project in Madagascar particularly touched me: because it is a school building, equipped with solar panels, but we are also participating in the purchase of sanitary furniture and computer equipment. We saw the photos before the renovation of this part of the Village and if the accumulation of all the micro-donations from Orange colleagues can help these children to study: don't hesitate!