In Ivory Coast, our partners are working side by side to provide a comprehensive response to the needs of a vulnerable community

27 avril 2022

Photo credit: Vincent Reynaud-Lacroze

Thanks to collaborative and complementary work, the Orange, Bel and SUEZ Foundations, which support us on the ground in Ivory Coast, offer better living conditions to the population by improving the quality of basic social services such as education, health and water.

The village of Tilbonindouo, located in the Gontougo region of Ivory Coast, has 2,000 inhabitants, including 500 children of primary school age. Particularly isolated, it is unfortunately badly served in terms of basic infrastructure. The only community school that welcomed children had no electricity, no water, or latrines and it was finally completely destroyed by the winds in July 2020.

Faced with these glaring needs, Aide et Action decided to provide a comprehensive and appropriate response with the support of three partners; each working in their area of ​​expertise. The Orange Foundation is financing the construction of a new school and a health center, the Bel Foundation is developing a school canteen and a vegetable garden, and the Suez Foundation is drilling two boreholes for access to drinking water as well as installation of latrines.

The deployment of multiple skills and synergies

Thus, the major, and sometimes interrelated, problems encountered by the community will be resolved simultaneously. Poor school conditions, children’s food shortages, difficulty in accessing health care and lack of drinking water are needs that have been identified and that will all be met by next summer.

For Aide et Action, this multi-partnership work allows a particularly relevant global response. By bringing together for the first time three business foundations in diffierent sectors of activity, we are establishing a complementarity that takes on its full meaning through the deployment of skills and multiple synergies. And this, while respecting each other’s social missions.

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