Extract from the editorial by Didier Lahaye, President of Action Education France: “Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. A recent and dramatic period in its history saw the physical elimination of 90% of its teachers. Knowing anything was suspect and could cost your life. The simple fact of wearing glasses suggested that you were an “intellectual”, therefore someone to be eliminated.
The dynamism of teachers and parents is today a source of encouragement for all those who are involved with young people, eager for reading and education. Discover in pictures what makes the Cambodian school exemplary and rich, whether it is inclusive, rural, for street children or in the difficult context of slums. »
English Magazine – May 2024 #170 : « Cambodia: 20 years of actions in favour of education »
Accès et qualité de l'éducation | Climat | Inclusion | Magazine

Année de publication : 2024
Langue : Anglais
Localisation : Asie du Sud-Est | Cambodge