COVID 19: Update on our activities on April 11
13 April 2020

To protect the vulnerable populations that we support on a daily basis, our teams are doing everything they can right now to provide an emergency response to the Coronavirus crisis. Every week, follow the development of our activities in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Here is the update on our various interventions as of April 11, 2020.

Wherever possible, Aide et Action mobilizes all its human and material resources to develop its projects in favor of the most vulnerable populations. Educating communities on prevention measures and providing them with basic support is our priority. In addition to the activities detailed in our article of April 4, here are the latest developments:


In India, former Aide et Action beneficiaries are engaged in the creation of masks to stem the spread of the epidemic. For this, they take fabrics, originally intended for making traditional costumes, to offer an alternative solution to the greatest number.

In addition, a press release, shared with international media, summarizes our current actions in the country: COVID-19: In India, Aide et Action helps migrant families to face the pandemic.


Unfortunately, our activities in Vietnam and Laos had to be suspended due to the strict containment measures. In these two countries, our teams are therefore thinking of longer-term solutions, in order to manage the return of children to school well after the crisis and anticipate the impact of the closure of classes on them.

In Cambodia, the first online training sessions for parents on how to support their children’s learning at home took place this week. Teachers are being supported by our project staff to film their lessons for parents to use at home to strengthen their capacities for distance learning, in particular for children with disabilities. In addition to this, food distribution in Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh has just launched. Vulnerable families, struggling to provide for their children were given 10 kilos of rice. This is set to be a monthly package for an estimated period of three months.


Most of our activities are suspended due to health regulations and the quarantine of most major cities. However, our teams are trying to adapt.

In Benin, Aide et Action is supporting the country in an awareness campaign on the Coronavirus.

In Guinea, the reflection underway with the Orange Foundation is becoming clearer. The project would allow equipment in digital tablets for children who are in the exams class to enable them to continue their learning; the distribution of protection kits; and the implementation of handwashing devices in schools.

In Togo, our teams are helping to build the government’s response plan to raise awareness and stem the spread of the virus in schools.


In France, we have set up an emergency collection to support our activities in the field.

In Romania, our partner Stea distributes medicines to the vulnerable and marginalized population in the slum of Satmarel.

To implement all these urgent actions and to best adapt our projects to this emergency situation, we need our most loyal support more than ever to help us!

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