Aide et Action joins the CHS Alliance

21 July 2020

Aide et Action is now a member of the CHS Alliance The Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) brings together 150 members from the humanitarian and development sectors committed to the roll-out of the 'Quality and Accountability Standard'. The CHS Alliance is a global alliance committed to improving aid to people by ensuring that the organisations that deliver aid are accountable to the people they serve. 

There are many organisations active in the field of international solidarity that respond to a humanitarian imperative, but one question remains central: how to improve the quality and effectiveness of the intervention? The CHS Alliance was born out of this questioning.

Affected populations at the heart of humanitarian action

The CHS Alliance is the result of a 12-month, three-phase survey facilitated by international humanitarian self-regulatory bodies such as HAP International, People In Aid and the Sphere Project. The consultation brought together a wide range of experts in field quality and highlighted the need for harmonisation of standards, based on humanitarian principles with accountability to affected populations at its core.

Formed in 2015, the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability is built around 9 pillars, including stakeholder participation in the design of interventions to ensure a relevant, responsive and appropriate response to their needs. This set of 9 commitments are designed to be used by organisations and individuals engaged in humanitarian response to improve the quality and effectiveness of the assistance they provide. 

For 40 years, Aide et Action, an association for development through education, has been committed to helping the most vulnerable and marginalized populations and bases its intervention on the policy principles of accountability, solidarity and transparency. 

Aide et Action focuses on quality

Aware of evolving in a changing environment, where stakeholders' expectations in terms of quality are increasingly high. Quality is not limited to projects but concerns all areas of activity of the organisation and its partners and is part of a logic of continuous improvement. By joining this alliance, our organisation aims, as indicated in our strategic plan (2020-2024), to improve our impact in the field and our accountability to all stakeholders, particularly the populations we work with on a daily basis. 

Aide et Action must therefore guarantee effective, efficient, ethical and transparent operations and ensure that it respects its orientations, optimizes the allocation of resources, complies with regulations, and provides quality information for accountability of its actions.

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