Over the past year, more and more of you have supported our actions. Donations, the support of our partners and the commitment of our sponsors and volunteers underpin every action we take together. Discover the essentials of our accounts and activities during 2022:
Key figures for 2022
- 23.5 million total budget
- 103 projects set up in 19 countries
- 50,876 donors supported us this year
81 % of expenditure allocated to our social mission
The social mission includes expenditure on awareness-raising and advocacy activities, as well as a share of indirect costs. In 2022, the social mission ratio calculated taking into account funds from all sources shows that 81% of jobs were allocated to social mission activitiesThis is higher than in 2021 (76%) and 2020 (72%). However, if only funds from public generosity are taken into account, this ratio falls to 75%.