Photo credit: Vincent Reynaud-Lacroze
Paris, 2 October 2020 - In France as in its 18 other countries of operation, Aide et ActionAssociation for Development through Education, supports teachers via Teachers are the driving force behind innovative educational projects and thus improve the teaching and learning conditions of their students. 5 October, World Teachers' Day, is an opportunity to pay tribute to them and to reaffirm our support for a profession that is in difficulty, but on which we must rely "Investing to regain hope".
At the worst moment of the global pandemic of COVID-19, more than 63 million teachers (primary and secondary) had to deal with the immediate consequences of the crisis - and with great selflessness, professionalism and courage - to prevent the 1.6 billion children from dropping out of school then deprived of school.
Aide et Action then supported the teachers via innovative educational projects. For example, in the north of the Cambodia:, we supported them so that they could record their lessons and make them available on the Internet, television or radio. In addition, to ensure that the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children, those without any connection and/or digital tools, also benefit from educational continuity, teachers have used mobile phones and instant messaging applications. At Vietnam,On the advice of our teams, the teachers used video. They asked families to film their children reading or revising their lessons, in order to assess the level of learning and work done and to provide them with appropriate advice on a case-by-case basis.
On this World Teachers' Day, Aide et Action wishes to pay tribute to them and advocate for their cause. While teachers are still too often left alone and powerless in the face of their difficulties in the fieldIn order to help them in their mission and to give them the means to become the pillars of an inclusive and quality education system, urgent and essential measures and resources are needed. Teachers are at the heart of the process of educational success. However, this profession is attracting fewer and fewer people. More than ever, in times of global, health, economic and social crisis, the educational and social role of the teacher deserves to be supported and highlighted because it gives hope to the younger generations.
"By encouraging exchange, accompanying innovative educational projects, creating opportunities for sharing experiences, Aide et Action contributes to supporting and motivating teachers and to implementing effective educational practices. We must invest in teachers to regain hope.insists Charles-Emmanuel Ballanger, Aide et Action's International Director General.
About Aide et Action
Founded in 1981, Aide et Action, an association for development through education, ensures access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, especially children, girls and women, so that all can master their own development and contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. We promote lifelong learning because access to quality education helps to fight poverty and disease, limit climate change and build peace in a sustainable world. We therefore pay particular attention to early childhood care and education, access to and quality of education at primary and secondary levels, and vocational training and social inclusion. Based on the values of dignity, inclusion and integrity, as well as on the principles of transparency, accountability and solidarity, and thanks to the support of our 51,000 donors, we are currently running 83 projects in Africa, Asia, Europe - and particularly in France - for more than 1.9 million children, young people and adults.
Press contact: Anne Cassiot
01 55 25 70 13 (direct line)