Action Education at the feminist demonstration on 8 March

Photo credits: Coordination Sud, Gilles Oger, Victoria Arfi, Marie-Sophie Charrier

Feminist demonstration: on 8 March, International Women's Rights Day, thousands of people marched through the streets of Paris and other French cities to demand the right to vote.gender equality and women's rights. Among the processions of NGOs and associations present, a new voice was raised: Action Education.

For this first participation in the feminist strike on 8 marchMany Action Education employees have joined the movement, demonstrating their commitment to the cause of for girls and women around the world.

Defending the rights of girls and women has always been a priority for Action Education. Around the world, millions of girls and women are deprived of their fundamental right to education, and therefore of any possibility of social and economic emancipation.

Action Education at the feminist demonstration

In many countries, Action Education is fighting for access to pre-school educationis seen as an essential weapon against inequality, particularly gender inequality, creating a solid foundation for theeducating young girls from an early age.

Action Education also acts against all obstacles likely to interrupt girls' schooling, in particular by raising community awareness the importance of education, by financing for the most vulnerable households school feesin alerting on the dangers of early marriagesby guaranteeing young girls access to education on sexual and reproductive rights to avoid early pregnancies.

Finally, the association trains teachers in non-genre-based teaching methods and invests in appropriate infrastructure, such as gender-specific toiletsto protect young girls from violence and discrimination at school. 

The Sandratra project, run by Action Education, supports young single womenOur teams offer them psychosocial support and socio-professional training. Our teams offer them psychosocial support and socio-professional training. This includes personalised support, including discussions on gender-based violence, assertiveness-building activities, training and support for integration, as well as mentoring services to promote their social, economic and civic integration.

Finally, in Vietnam and Laos, the association guarantees women access to economic empowerment through training and socio-professional integration programmes, demonstrating its commitment at every stage of girls' and women's education.


Beyond the symbolic date of 8 March, Action Education is continuing its fight to ensure that education becomes a reality accessible to all girls and womenevery day of the year.


For more information: 

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On the same theme :

Célébration de la Journée internationale des droits de l’enfant à Léo: Action Education promeut les droits de l’enfant par les enfants


Le 27 novembre 2024, l’école primaire publique de Kutian dans la commune de Léo, province de la Sissili, au Burkina Faso, a accueilli la célébration en différé de la Journée internationale des droits de l’enfant. Une commémoration Une occasion de rappeler et d’interpeller décideurs, communauté et adultes sur le respect des droits de l’enfant consignés dans la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant adoptée par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies le 20 novembre 1989.

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